

Earthquake in Tokyo

このエントリーをブックマークに追加 このエントリーを含むはてなブックマーク
This is the report of the massive earthquake in Japan. I am a Japanese student of the University of Tokyo where I study civil engineering. I really would like many people to know the current situation of Japan, so I decided to write this article.

It was terrible, so huge. When the earthquake hit Japan, I was the restaurant in Tokyo with some friends. It was very lucky for me, but the restaurant was seriously shaking and it was scary. As you know, there are many earthquake in Japan and many Japanese people are much more used to them than foreign people. However, I have never experienced such a huge earthquake ever (I'm 21 years old though.). Many people around me are rather frightened, but we encouraged each other and tried to stay calm. After the first quake was over,(it was the longest one I have ever had.), many aftershocks hit Japan. Then, people tried to go back their home but all of the trains stopped and they couldn't go back as well. Trains shutting down until about midnight, some decided to walk to home and others decided to stay in public space. To my surprise, a lot of store (any kind of store. restaurants, cafe, supermarkets, convenience store, Karaoke, many!!) provided their rest rooms, water and food for free for people who couldn't go back home. I was moved by this hospitality because even the staffs of each stores have family, they took care of other people whom they didn't know.

At least in Tokyo, it is very safe now. Many trains start to move and people finally can go back. We are just afraid of aftershocks. Even in Tokyo, many aftershocks hit every 10 minutes.

The worst devastated area was Tohoku (it's northern part of Japan.) and it is terrible even now. They need help. What can I do for them? I don't know. I don't know really. I really want to do something for them but I can't do anything now. I'm so frustrated...

Japan needs help. Please help them. I can't do anything alone but I strongly believe we can do something for them by ourselves.

I just pray that damage more than this not occur.


If you are an English speaker, please read this. http://jpeq311.posterous.com/info
This is very effective advice for earthquake written in English

For people who wants to watch TV news in Japan
NHK http://ustre.am/vmCj
Nippon Television  http://ustre.am/vnel
TBS http://ustre.am/kJ3E
Fuji TV http://ustre.am/iEG9
TV Asahi http://ustre.am/vnnn

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